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Floor Preparation

Concrete Scabbling - Diamond Grinding - Shot Blasting - Diamond Polishing

Floor Preparation is used for a number of different reason. Whether to introduce a key to the surface in order for a new material to grip and bond, to removing broken or delaminated concrete in order to be repaired, or just to smooth a rough surface to create a nicer finish. We pride ourselves in having the equipment to carry out such operations and do so with hoover attachments to eliminate dust.

Shot blasting is ideal for prepping a surface for painting or coatings as it blasts bb like pellets over and over into the floors surface to shatter small pieces of concrete off to leave a level keyed surface. This is the choice of many for surface preparation as it gives a level key which for painting and coating is perfect.

A concrete scaler or scabbler has a line of metal spinning discs to scrape away the layers of concrete to get below the surface. This is for preparing the floor for painting, repairing and coating as it leaves it rough so that the substance being laid can grip to a keyed surface. This is good for getting deeper into the concrete which is useful for delaminated and hollow spots in concrete.

The Diamond Floor Grinder has a circular diamond grinding cup which spins to smooth and grind the floor while keeping a more even finish. This is ideal for making rough surfaces smooth and taking the edge out where uneven slabs meet. The Grinding cup can be removed and Polishing disks can be attached for a much finer sealed finish.


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